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Eve Online Rig Slots

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Rig Slots: 3 Rig Calibration: 400 points Rig Size: Large Drones Drone Capacity: 200 m3 Drone Bandwidth: 50 Mbit/sec Attributes. Targeting Targeting Range. Advanced understanding of shield subsystems. Allows makeshift modifications to shield subsystems through the use of rigs. 10% reduction in Shield Rig drawbacks per level. EVE Online is a free MMORPG sci-fi strategy game where you can embark on your own unique space adventure. EVE's open world MMORPG sandbox, renowned among online space games, lets you choose your own path and engage in combat, exploration, industry and much more. I would use those rig slots to boost your tank. The official subreddit for Eve Online. Created Jun 7, 2008. These ships were rigged before the Small and Medium rigs were introduced. We changed the existing rigs into Large rigs but did not unfit them. These rigs will work and you will get the same bonuses. Thorsteinsson Software Director EVE Online, CCP Games: Zewron Amarr: Posted - 2009.09.12 18:31:00.

This guide describes the various types of modules and rigs that can be inserted into your ship slots, in summary form. For general advice on how best to select the right modules or rigs for your ship, see this article on Fitting Guidelines.

  • 1High slots
    • 1.1Damage
      • 1.1.2Hybrid Turrets
      • 1.1.3Laser Turrets
      • 1.1.4Projectile Turrets
      • 1.1.5Missile Launchers
    • 1.2Drone Upgrades
    • 1.3EWAR
    • 1.4Logistics
    • 1.5Tackling
    • 1.6Mining Lasers
    • 1.7Siege Modules
    • 1.8Misc
  • 2Mid Slots
    • 2.1Capacitor
    • 2.2Damage Supplements
    • 2.3Drone Upgrades
    • 2.4EWAR
    • 2.5Propulsion
    • 2.6Shield Tanking
    • 2.7Tackling
    • 2.8Misc
  • 3Low Slots
    • 3.1Armor Tank
    • 3.2Capacitor
    • 3.3Damage Supplements
    • 3.4EWAR
    • 3.5Fitting
    • 3.6Propulsion
    • 3.7Shield Tanking
    • 3.8Misc
  • 5Subsystems
    • 5.1Legion Subsystems
    • 5.2Loki Subsystems
    • 5.3Proteus Subsystems
    • 5.4Tengu Subsystems

High slots

Main article: High slot


Eve Online Rig Slots

These modules will deal direct damage to a target or multiple targets. The two basic weapon systems in the game are Turrets and Missile Launchers.

Doomsday Devices

Doomsday devices are extremely powerful weapons mounted on Titans. They deal 2 million points of racial type damage to a single target while using up 50 thousand units of the racial isotope to do so. They also have several drawbacks such preventing the titan from using a warp or jump drive for ten minutes after using the doomsday.

Hybrid Turrets

Hybrid turrets are the weapons used primarily by the Gallente. They use hybrid ammo that only deals thermal and kinetic damage.


Long range hybrid turrets. They have longer range and higher rate of fire than other long-range weapon systems. They are moderately difficult to fit and are normally found on Gallente and some Caldari ships.


Short range hybrid turrets. They have the most DPS of any type of weapon in game but also the least effective range. They are a bit easier to fit than railguns and are normally fitted on Gallente, and sometimes Caldari ships.

Laser Turrets

Laser turrets are the weapons used primarily by the Amarr. They use frequency crystals as ammunition and deal EM and thermal damage. A special note to consider when fitting any ship is the ammunition usage. Lasers use crystals, which work differently than any other ammunition type. You can read more about it here.

Pulse Laser Turrets

Short range Laser Turrets. They offer high damage potential while having decent range. They have fairly steep power-grid fitting requirements and are thus usually mounted only on Amarr ships.

Beam Laser Turrets

Long range Laser Turrets. They have the highest damage potential and best tracking but the least effective range than other long-range weapon systems. They have the steepest fitting requirements of any weapon system, and will thus normally be fitted only on Amarr ships, although the smaller beam lasers are much easier to mount.

Projectile Turrets

Projectile turrets are the weapons used primarily by the Minmatar. They use no capacitor to fire and are very versatile.


Short range projectile turrets. They have very good tracking and offer a flexible engagement range at the cost of DPS. Due to their versatility and low fitting requirements they will often be mounted on non-Minmatar ships.


Long range projectile turrets. They have the highest volley damage but the poorest tracking of all long-range weapon systems. They have the second-highest fitting requirements after beam lasers and are thus rarely found on non-Minmatar ships.

Missile Launchers

Missile launchers are the primary weapon of the Caldari. Unlike turret-based weapon systems missile launchers have low power-grid needs but high CPU requirements. Many ships don't have enough turret hardpoints to fill a full rack of their preferred turret weapon, but will instead have launcher hardpoints. Like projectile turrets, missile launchers do not use capacitor to activate which makes them very versatile. However, launcher hardpoints are uncommon except on dedicated missile ships (certain Minmatar, Caldari, and a few T2 Amarr). Also note that range and damage output for missiles is not as straightforward to calculate as it is for turrets; check Missile Launchers for more information.

'Short-Range' Launchers

'Short-range' bays refers to missile launchers using the short-range, high damage missiles, namely rocket launchers, heavy assault missile launchers, torpedo launchers and citadel torpedo launchers. Except for rocket launchers, these short-ranged launchers have higher PG and CPU needs than their long-ranged counterparts (in contrast, long-ranged turrets have steeper fitting needs than their short-ranged counterparts).

'Long-Range' Launchers

'Long-range' launchers refers to missile launchers using the long-range, low damage missiles, namely light missile launchers, heavy missile launchers, cruise launchers, and citadel cruise launchers. Except for Light Missile Launchers, these launchers have lower fitting needs than their close-ranged counterparts.

Rapid Launchers

Rapid light and heavy missile launchers are different to their standard versions in several ways. Firstly, they're designed to be fitted to the ship class above, ie rapid light launchers are designed to be fitted to cruisers rather than frigates, and rapid heavy launchers are designed for battleships. Like the name suggests, they fire their missiles at a faster rate than the standard launchers, but apply their damage just as well. This makes rapid launchers a fantastic option for attacking smaller ships; a rapid light missile Caracal is one of the strongest anti-frigate ships around. It should also be noted that rapid missile launchers have a 40 second reload time; they can hit smaller ships for good damage, but take a long time to reload.


These weapons are area of effect weapons that hit anything within their activation range. Particularly effective against drones and poorly equipped frigates. Smartbombs are available in sizes appropriate for frigates through battleships and above, but are seldom used on anything smaller than a battleship. For more information, see Smartbombs.

Bomb Launchers


Bomb launchers are used to launch Bombs.

Drone Upgrades

These modules will increase the range of drones or the number of drones you can control.

Drone Control Units

These modules allow the ship to control one extra drone each. Can only be fitted by carriers and supercarriers.

Drone Link Augmentors

These modules extend your drone control range.


Drone control units are obviously only useful to carrier/supercarrier pilots. Drone Link Augmentors can be useful for drone boats and ships with nothing else to fit in their spare high slots.


These modules will alter enemy ship caps and sensors.

Energy Neutralizers

These modules will dissipate the capacitor of an enemy ship by using your capacitor energy.

Energy Vampires

These modules will transfer energy from the enemy ship to your capacitor, if your target's capacitor percentage level is higher than your own.

Remote ECM Burst

These modules will emit an area of effect ECM burst, centered on a target which has a chance to break the lock of all ships within its range.


Energy destabilizers are great tools for removing an enemy ship's ability to repair itself, while energy vampires are useful for energy hungry ships and as a defense against hostile energy destabilization.


These modules will restore cap, shields, armor, and hull to other ships.

Energy Transfer Arrays

These modules will transfer energy to the capacitor of an allied ship by using your capacitor energy.

Remote Armor Repair

These modules will repair the armor of an allied ship by using your capacitor energy.

Remote Hull Repair

These modules will repair the hull of an allied ship by using your capacitor energy.

Shield Transporters

These modules will repair the shield of an allied ship by using your capacitor energy.


These 4 module classes form the backbone of remote repair (RR) and are invaluable in PvP fleet battles, level 5 mission runs, high level complexes, and wormhole operations as single ships cannot be expected to withstand the assault of an enemy fleet.


These modules will prevent ship warping.

Interdiction Sphere Launcher

These modules fire interdiction spheres which prevent warping and cannot be countered by warp core stabilizers. These modules are for interdictors.

Warp disruption Field Generator

These modules create a field around a heavy interdictor which prevent warping within a radius, but also slows the heavy interdictor and makes them incur more damage (via an increased signature radius).

Mining Lasers

Mining lasers are used to harvest resources which include ore, ice, and gas.

Mining Lasers

Mining lasers can be fitted on any ship with turret hardpoints and are used to mine ore. The regular mining lasers are capable of mining any type of ore except for Mercoxit which requires a deep core miner.

Strip Miners

Strip miners are bulk ore extractors that can only be fitted on mining barges and exhumers. They feature significantly longer cycle times but much more impressive extraction amounts, resulting in an improved yield over mining lasers in the majority of cases. The regular strip miners can mine any ore except for Mercoxit, while the deep core miner can mine all types of ore.

Ice Harvesters

Ice Harvesters harvest ice and can only be fitted on mining barges and exhumers.

Gas Cloud Harvesters

Gas cloud harvesters harvest gas from gas clouds. They can be fitted on any ship with turret hardpoints.

Siege Modules

Siege modules are specialized modules mounted to certain capital ships that give them unique, very powerful properties, but at the cost of several drawbacks, the most important of which is that the capital ship is immobile for the duration of the siege module's cycle.

Siege Module

These are used by Dreadnaughts to enter siege mode which massively increases their DPS, but makes them immobile, among other factors.

Triage Module

The triage module greatly increases a carrier's ability to provide assistance to a fleet while making it immobile, among other factors.

Industrial Core

The industrial core allows the Rorqual to compress ore.


These modules did not fit into the above categories.

Auto Targeting

These modules will target for you.

Cynosural Field Generators

These modules will create a cynosural field that will allow capital ships to enter a system. Be careful, as using the cyno field generator will leave your ship immobile for ten (10) minutes. The covert cynosural field generator works in a similar manner, except it can only be used by black ops ship.


These modules will make you invisible unless you use a module or warp, or come within 2km of something. The Covert Ops Cloak for recon ships and covert ops ships will not decloak for warp.

Clone Vat Bay

Clone Vat Bay can only be fitted on titans and the Rorqual. It allows for the installation of jump clones, enabling clone-jumping to the ship with the bay.

Gang Assist Modules

These modules will give bonuses to fleet members. They can only reasonably be equipped to battlecruisers.

Jump Portal Generators

The regular jump portal generator can only be fitted on a titan and is used to create jump bridges allowing your fleet-mates to quickly traverse vast distances without the need for stargates. The covert jump portal generator can only be fitted to Black Ops ships and works in a similar manner to the normal jump except it can only be used by ships with jump harmonics 2, meaning only covert ships will be able to use it.


These modules will salvage loot from wrecks.

Scan Probe Launchers

These modules will launch scan probes to allow you to explore.

Tractor Beams

These modules will bring cargo containers and wrecks to your ship.


Auto targeting is a waste of a slot, and dangerous to boot as you want to be able to target manually.Cyno field generators would be best used on an alt in a frigate (that you don't mind losing, because as soon as the cyno field is created, everyone in the system knows where you are).Cloaking is invaluable for scouts.Tractor beams and salvagers can greatly increase the income from a lvl 3 or 4 mission.

Mid Slots

Main article: Mid slot


These modules will restore capacitor energy.

Capacitor Batteries

These modules will increase your total capacitor (and subsequently capacitor regen, as total capacitor and capacitor regen time are independent).

Capacitor Boosters

These modules will replenish your capacitor while expending a charge that you must carry (like ammo).

Capacitor Rechargers

These modules will increase your capacitor recharge time with no penalty.


Boosters are generally preferred for large ships in PvP in the event of capacitor neutralizing.For your exact needs, experimenting in PYFA will show which will serve you best.

Damage Supplements

These modules will increase DPS.

Tracking Computers

These modules will increase your optimal range, falloff range, and tracking speed.

Tracking Links

These modules will increase an allied ship's optimal range, falloff range, and tracking speed.

Drone Upgrades

These modules will increase the speed and tracking of drones.

Omnidirectional Tracking Links

These modules increase the optimal range and tracking of your drones.

Drone Navigation Computers

These modules increase the MicroWarpDrive speed of your drones(their speed when they are flying around, not when they are orbiting & attacking).


These modules will decrease enemy DPS, increase the enemy's incurred DPS, and prevent the opposite from happening.


These modules will make it difficult for an enemy ship to lock targets. They come in five varieties to coincide with the four sensor types and a multispectral.

ECM Bursts

This is essentially the same as ECM but affects all targets in a given radius.


These modules protect against ECM.

ECCM, Projected

These modules protect ships that you use this module on, against ECM.

Remote Sensor Boosters

These modules increase the targeted ship's sensor range and locking speed.

Remote Sensor Dampeners

These modules decrease the targeted ship's sensor range and locking speed.

Sensor Boosters

These modules increase your sensor range and locking speed.

Target Painters

These modules increase the signature radius of enemy ships, increasing the damage they incur when hit.

Tracking Disruptors

These modules decrease the tracking speed of enemy turrets.


EW has its own full discussion and class, so I won't be going into detail here.


These modules will increase a ship's velocity.


These modules will increase your velocity by roughly 120% while using some capacitor.


These modules will increase your velocity by 500% while increasing your signature radius by 500% and a significant use of capacitor.

Micro Jump Drives

These modules have a spool up time and instantly teleport a ship 100km in the direction the nose is facing. As of the Kronos expansion these modules now come in both Large (battleship) and Medium (battlecruiser) varieties.

Shield Tanking

These modules will restore, extend, or increase the resistance of your shields.

Shield Boosters

These modules will repair your shields. Boost amplifiers are also in this category and they serve to increase the amount of shield repaired by a shield booster.

Ancillary Shield Boosters

These modules will repair your shields, and use cap charges as ammo. They can also run from your capacitor, but require more cap than a normal shield booster.

Shield Boost Amplifiers

These modules increase the amount of shield provided by shield boosters per cycle.


Shield Extenders

These modules will increase your total shield amount while increasing your signature radius (consequently increasing the damage incurred).

Shield Hardeners

These modules will increase your shield resistances while using a small amount of capacitor.

Shield Rechargers

These modules will increase your shield regeneration without penalty.

Shield Resistance Amplifiers

These modules will increase your shield resistances and uses no capacitor.


You generally don't want to fit more than a single booster, as the cap drain will be quite high. Instead use a size-appropriate (or over-sized) shield booster matched with a shield boost amplifier.Shield extenders are great for increasing a passive tank (remember that total shield and time to recharge are independent, so as you increase total shields you increase shield regeneration rate) but can work against you if they increase your signature radius too much. Finding a proper balance between shield extenders, shield hardeners, and shield rechargers is essential for a passive shield tank.Shield hardeners are strongly preferred to shield resistance amplifiers as the resistance increase is much greater and the capacitor drain is minor.


These modules will slow and prevent warping of enemy ships.

Stasis Webifiers

These modules will decrease an enemy ship's velocity.

Warp Jammers

These modules will prevent an enemy ship from warping (provided they do not have warp stabilizers to negate your jamming). Warp Scramblers have a base range of 7.5km, have a jamming strength of two and will also disable the microwarp drives of your target as long as the target is scrambled. Warp Disruptors have a base range of 20km, jamming strength of one, and use more capacitor than warp scramblers.


These modules did not fit into the above categories.

Command Processor

The command processor allows for one extra warfare link module to be fitted on a ship.

Hull Repair Systems

These modules will repair your structure.

Passive Targeting Systems

These modules will allow you to target a ship without them knowing.


These modules will allow you to scan the composition of asteroids, ice belts, and gas clouds, as well as ship fittings and cargo. Data Analyzers and Relic Analyzers are used to extract stuff from special containers in Data and Relic sites, respectively.


Passive targeting systems matched with ship scanners can be a great way to have an alt find the fittings of war targets.Hull repair systems are a great way to save money if you have hull damage and don't want to pay the repair fees.

Low Slots

Main article: Low slot

Armor Tank

These modules will repair, extend, and increase the resistance of your armor.

Armor Hardeners

These modules will increase your armor's resistance a great deal while using capacitor.

Armor Plates

These modules will increase your armor's total strength while greatly increasing your mass.

Armor Repair Systems

These modules will repair you armor.

Energized Armor Resistance Membrane

These modules will increase your armor's resistance a moderate amount. Regenerative plating increases your armor by a percentage and does not affect your resistance.

Resistance Plating

These modules will increase your armor's resistance slightly for just a single MW of power-grid. Regenerative plating increases your armor by a percentage and does not affect your resistance.


Hardeners are the ideal if you can support them, followed by Energized Armor Resistance Membrane and finally resistance plating.Armor plates are great for a buffer tank.


These modules will increase the recharge rate of your capacitor.

Capacitor Flux Coil

These modules will increase your capacitor recharge at the expense of total capacitor energy.

Capacitor Power Relays

These modules will increase your capacitor recharge at the expense of the amount of shield your shield booster restores.

Eve Online What Goes In Rig Slots


If you need capacitor and aren't shield tanking, power relays would serve you well. If you're actively shield tanking, you'll need to strike the right balance for you.Note that while flux coils increase your capacitor recharge rate by slightly more than power relays, they also decrease your capacitor capacity, and capacitor recharge rate is tied to capacitor capacity. This means that overall flux coils actually increase your recharge rate by less than power relays. Only use flux coils if you're actively shield tanking.

Damage Supplements

These modules will increase your DPS.

Ballistic Control Systems

These modules will increase your damage and rate of fire when using missiles.


These modules will increase your damage and rate of fire when using projectile turrets

Heat Sinks

These modules will increase your damage and rate of fire when using laser turrets.

Magnetic Field Stabilizers

These modules will increase your damage and rate of fire when using hybrid turrets.

Tracking Enhancers

These modules will increase your optimal range, accuracy falloff, and tracking speed when using any/all types of turrets.


These modules will increase your targeting and reduce your susceptibility to ECM.

Signal Amplifiers

These modules will increase your total allowed targets, your maximum targeting range, as well as reducing time to lock.

Sensor Backup Arrays

These modules will increase your sensor strength.


These modules will help you extend your power grid or CPU.

Auxiliary Power Controls

These modules will increase your power-grid as an absolute (ie. not as a percentage) so is useful for frigates and destroyers.

CPU Upgrades

These modules will increase your CPU without penalty.

Power Diagnostic Systems

These modules will increase your power-grid, as well as minor boosts to your capacitor and shield capacity and recharge.

Reactor Controls

These modules will increase your power-grid without penalty.


If you need an increase in your power-grid and don't need as much as a reactor control provides, the bonuses of the power diagnostic system is a great perk.If you're in a frigate, you'll want to use an auxiliary power control, since a percentage bonus will not give you as great a power grid increase as an absolute 10-12MW.


These modules will increase your velocity and/or agility.

Inertial Stabilizers

These modules will increase your agility at the expense of signature radius.

Nanofiber Structures

These modules will increase your velocity and agility at the expense of structure.

Overdrive Injectors

These modules will increase your velocity at the expense of cargo space.


Injectors increase only velocity and reduce your ability to carry ammo, inertial stabilizers will increase your signature radius (and consequently your incurred damage) for a bit of agility.Nanofiber structures on the other hand, will provide both velocity and agility (very comparable to each individually) at the expense of structure. And honestly if you've reached a point where your structure is being hit, it doesn't matter how much you have.For further discussion on speed modules refer to Stacking penalties

Hyperspatial Accelerator

This unit increases warp speed and acceleration.No more than three Hyperspatial Accelerators can be fit to one ship.

Shield Tanking

These modules will increase the regeneration of shields.

Shield Flux Coils

These modules will increase shield recharge at the expense of shield capacity.

Shield Power Relays

These modules will increase shield recharge at the expense of capacitor recharge.


Power relays are great for passive shield tanking on Minmatar, as projectile weapons require no capacitor.Flux coils will deliver less recharge than they state, because of their reduction of total shields (remember that recharge time is independent of shield capacity, so as shield capacity is reduced, so is shield recharge).So with that said, shield power relays are the way to go for a passive shield tank, but neither should be used for an active shield tank.


These modules did not fit into the above categories.

Cargo Expanders

These modules will increase your cargo capacity at the expense of velocity. Ideal for haulers and salvage/loot ships.

Damage Controls

These modules will give you a great deal of resist for your hull, and minor resistance increases for your armor and shields at the expense of very minor cap use. Great module to extend your tank.

Ice Harvester Upgrades

These modules decrease ice harvester cycle time at the cost of CPU.

Mining Upgrades

These modules will increase mining laser yield at the expense of CPU.

Reinforced Bulkheads

These modules will increase your hull at the expense of velocity.

Warp Core Stabilizers

These modules counter warp jammers at the expense of targeting range and targeting speed. They are essential if you think you might get warp jammed and do not want to fight.


Main article: Rig

Rigs are permanent ship modifications that fit into the rigging slots of a ship. Once fit, they must be destroyed in order to be removed (unlike regular modules). Most rigs have some other drawback associated with them; these penalties are reduced by training more levels in the associated rigging skill.


Subsystems are special modules that are used to build T3 ships. Each T3 ship has five subsystem slots - Defensive, Electronic, Engineering, Offensive and Propulsion.

Legion Subsystems


Armor and Shields vary between these subsystems but the resistances remain the same.

Adaptive Augmenter: 5% bonus to all armor resistances per level, 10% bonus to remote armor repair system effectiveness per level 1 low, 1 hi

Augmented Plating: 10% bonus to armor hitpoints per level 2 low

Nanobot Injector: 10% bonus to armor repairer effectiveness per level 2 low

Warfare Processor: 5% bonus effectiveness of Armor Warfare Links per subsystem skill level 1 low, 1 hi


CPU, targeting range, sensor strength and scan resolution all change between these subsystems.

Dissolution Sequencer: 15% bonus to ship sensor strength, 5% bonus to max targeting range per level 4 med

Emergent Locus: 10% increase to scan strength of probes per level, 20% bonus to range and velocity of tractor beams per level, 99% reduced CPU needed for Scan Probe Launchers 3 med, 1 hi

Energy Parasitic Complex: 10% bonus to energy vampire and energy neutralizer transfer amount per level. 3 med, 1 hi

Tactical Targeting Network: 15% bonus to scan resolution per level 4 med


Power-grid and Capacitor vary by subsystem.

Augmented Capacitor Reservoir: 5% bonus to capacitor capacity per level 2 low, 1 hi, 1 turret

Capacitor Regeneration Matrix: 5% bonus to capacitor recharge time per level 3 low

Power Core Multiplier: 5% bonus to power output per level 2 low, 1 hi, 1 launcher, 1 turret

Supplemental Coolant Injector: 5% reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level 3 low


The CPU and drone usage (or lack) are modified by these subsystems.

Assault Optimization: 5% bonus to heavy assault missile damage per level, 5% bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 launcher

Covert Reconfiguration: 10% bonus to medium energy turret capacitor use per level, 100% reduction in Cloaking Device CPU use, can fit covert ops cloaks 1 med, 5 hi

Drone Synthesis Projector: 10% bonus to medium energy turret capacitor use per level, 10% bonus to drone damage per level, 7.5% bonus to drone hit points per level 1 med, 5 hi, 3 turret

Liquid Crystal Magnifiers: 10% bonus to medium energy turret capacitor use per level, 10% bonus to medium energy turret damage per level, 10% bonus to medium energy turret optimal range per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 turret


The Max Velocity and Inertia Modifiers change depending on the propulsion subsystem chosen.

Chassis Optimization: 5% bonus to max velocity per level 1 low

Fuel Catalyst: 10% bonus to afterburner speed per level 1 low

Wake Limiter: 5% reduction in microwarp signature radius penalty per level. 1 low

Interdiction Nullifier: 5% increased agility per level, Immunity to non-targeted interdiction

Loki Subsystems


Armor and Shields vary between these subsystems but the resistances remain the same.

Adaptive Augmenter: 5% bonus to all armor resistances per level 1 low, 1 med

Adaptive Shielding: 5% bonus to all shield resistances, 10% bonus to shield transporter per level 1 med, 1 hi

Amplification Node: 5% reduction in signature radius per level 1 low, 1 med

Warfare Processor: 5% bonus to the effectiveness of Skirmish Warfare Links per level, 99% reduction in Warfare Link module CPU need 1 med, 1 hi


CPU, targeting range, sensor strength and scan resolution all change between these subsystems.

Dissolution Sequencer: 15% bonus to ship sensor strength, 5% bonus to max targeting range per level 1 low, 3 med

Emergent Locus Analyzer: 10% increase to scan strength of probes per level, 20% bonus to range and velocity of tractor beams per level, 99% reduced CPU need for Scan Probe Launchers 4 med

Immobility Drivers - 30% bonus to stasis webifier range per level 1 low, 3 med

Tactical Targeting Network: 15% bonus to scan resolution per level 4 med


Power-grid and Capacitor vary by subsystem.

Augmented Capacitor Reservoir: 5% bonus to capacitor capacity per level 2 low, 1 hi, 1 launcher, 1 turret

Capacitor Regeneration Matrix: 5% bonus to capacitor recharge time per level 2 low, 1 med

Power Core Multiplier: 5% bonus to power output per level 2 low, 1 hi, 1 launcher, 1 turret

Supplemental Coolant Injector: 5% reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level 2 low, 1 med


The CPU and drone usage (or lack) are modified by these subsystems.

Covert Reconfiguration: 5% bonus to medium projectile turret rate of fire per level, 100% reduction in Cloaking Device CPU use, can fit covert ops cloaks 1 low, 5 hi

Hardpoint Efficiency Configuration: 7.5% bonus to medium projectile turret rate of fire per level, 7.5% bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per level 1 low, 5 hi, 3 launcher, 3 turret

Projectile Scoping Array: 7.5% bonus to medium projectile turret rate of fire per level, 10% bonus to medium projectile falloff per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 turret

Turret Concurrence Registry: 10% bonus to medium projectile turret damage per level, 10% bonus to medium projectile turret optimal range per level, 7.5% bonus to medium projectile turret tracking per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 turret


The Max Velocity and Inertia Modifiers change depending on the propulsion subsystem chosen.

Chassis Optimization: 5% bonus to max velocity per level 1 low

Fuel Catalyst: 10% bonus to afterburner speed per level 1 low

Intercalated Nanofibers: 5% increased agility per level 1 low

Interdiction Nullifier: 5% increased agility per level, Immunity to non-targeted interdiction

Proteus Subsystems


Armor and Shields vary between these subsystems but the resistances remain the same.

Adaptive Augmenter: 5% bonus to all armor resistances per level, 10% bonus to remote armor repair system effectiveness per level 1 low, 1 hi

Augmented Plating: 10% bonus to armor hit points per level 2 low

Nanobot Injector: 10% bonus to armor repairer effectiveness per level 2 low

Warfare Processor: 5% bonus to effectiveness of Information Warfare Links per subsystem skill level 1 low, 1 hi


CPU, targeting range, sensor strength and scan resolution all change between these subsystems.

CPU Efficiency Gate: 5% bonus to CPU per level 1 low, 3 med

Dissolution Sequencer: 15% bonus to ship sensor strength, 5% bonus to targeting range per level 1 low, 3 med

Emergent Locus Analyzer: 10% increase to scan strength of probes per level, 20% bonus to range and velocity of tractor beams per level 4 med

Friction Extension Processor: 10% bonus to warp disruptor and warp scrambler range per level 1 low, 3 med


Power-grid, Capacitor, and drone usage (or lack) vary by subsystem.

Augmented Capacitor Reservoir: 5% bonus to drone MWD speed per level, 7.5% bonus to drone hit points per level 2 low, 1 hi

Capacitor Regeneration Matrix: 5% bonus to capacitor recharge time per level 3 low

Power Core Multiplier: 5% bonus to power output per level 2 low, 1 hi, 1 turret

Supplemental Coolant Injector: 5% reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level 2 low, 1 med


The CPU and drone usage (or lack) are modified by these subsystems.

Covert Reconfiguration: 5% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage per level 1 low, 5 hi, 4 turret

Dissonic Encoding Platform: 10% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage per level, 10% bonus to medium hybrid turret falloff per level, 7.5% bonus to medium hybrid turret tracking per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 turret

Drone Synthesis Projector: 5% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage per level, 10% bonus to drone damage per level, 7.5% bonus to drone hit points per level 1 low, 5 hi, 3 turret

Hybrid Propulsion Armature: 10% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage per level, 10% bonus to medium hybrid turret falloff per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 turret


The Max Velocity and Inertia Modifiers change depending on the propulsion subsystem chosen.

'Gravitational Capacitor: 15% bonus to warp speed per level, 15% reduction in capacitor need when initiating warp per level 1 med

Interdiction Nullifier: 5% increased agility per level, Immunity to non-targeted interdiction

Localized Injectors: 15% reduction in afterburner and microwarpdrive capacitor consumption per level 1 low

Wake Limiter: 5% reduction in microwarpdrive signature radius penalty per level 1 low

Tengu Subsystems


Armor and Shields vary between these subsystems but the resistances remain the same.

Adaptive Shielding: 5% bonus to all shield resistances per level, 10% bonus to shield transporter effectiveness per level 1 mid, 1 high

Amplification Node: 10% bonus to shield booster effectiveness per level 2 mid

Supplemental Screening: 10% bonus to shield hit points per level 2 mid

Warfare Processor: 5% bonus effectiveness of Siege Warfare Links per subsystem skill level 1 med, 1 high


CPU, targeting range, sensor strength and scan resolution all change between these subsystems.

CPU Efficiency Gate: 5% bonus to CPU per level 1 low, 3 med

Dissolution Sequencer: 15% bonus to ship sensor strength, 5% bonus to targeting range per level 1 low, 3 med

Emergent Locus Analyzer: 10% increase to scan strength of probes per level, 20% bonus to range and velocity of tractor beams per level 4 med

Obfuscation Manifold: 10% bonus to ECM target jammer optimal range per level 4 med


Power-grid and Capacitor vary by subsystem.

Augmented Capacitor Reservoir: 5% bonus to capacitor capacity per level 2 low, 1 hi, 1 launcher

Capacitor Regeneration Matrix: 5% bonus to capacitor recharge time per level 3 low

Power Core Multiplier: 5% bonus to power output per level 2 low, 1 hi, 1 turret

Supplemental Coolant Injector: 5% reduction in the amount of heat damage absorbed by modules per level 3 low


The CPU and drone usage (or lack) are modified by these subsystems.

Accelerated Ejection Bay: 5% bonus to Kinetic Missile Damage per level, 7.5% bonus to Heavy, Heavy Assault and Assault missile launcher rate of fire per level, 10% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault missile velocity per level 1 med, 5 hi, 5 launcher

Covert Reconfiguration: 5% bonus to missile launcher rate of fire per level 1 low, 5 hi, 4 launcher

Magnetic Infusion Basin: 5% bonus to medium hybrid turret damage per level, 20% bonus to medium hybrid turret optimal range per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 turret

Rifling Launcher Pattern: 10% ECM target jammer strength per level, 5% bonus to Heavy, Heavy Assault, and Assault Missile Launcher Rate of Fire per level 1 low, 5 hi, 5 launcher


The Max Velocity and Inertia Modifiers change depending on the propulsion subsystem chosen.

Fuel Catalyst: 10% bonus to afterburner speed per level 1 low

Gravitational Capacitor: 15% bonus to warp speed per level, 15% reduction in capacitor need when initiating warp per level 1 low

Intercalated Nanofibers: 5% increased agility per level 1 low

Interdiction Nullifier: 5% increased agility per level, Immunity to non-targeted interdiction

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